ObscureTube displays recent, low view count YouTube videos with names like IMG 1234, MOV 9876, or DSC 5678.
This site is similar to others which display low view count videos, such as astronaut.io or petittube.com, but adds some functionality that I thought was missing from those. Using astronaut.io, I was soon watching the same videos over again, and the feed was overrun by a handful of channels posting dozens or hundreds of times a day.
Here, every video ID you see is cached in your cookies, so you should never see the same video twice. You also have the option to block channels from showing up entirely if you get tired of them, and your experience can be refreshed by clearing your cookies or resetting your cache.
There's other features, such as customizable autoskip & options to share the site. More to come.
What did I just watch?
You just watched an obscure tube video.
Daily, ObscureTube generates a queue of recent, obscure YouTube videos (or videos with obscure names and a very low viewcount).
Head back to the homepage to see more.
You've watched every video in the queue!
YouTube's API provides this website a few hundred video results per
day and you've seen them all! The video queue should be refreshed with
new videos soon, or click "Reset Cache" at the bottom of the page to
watch them all again!
Auto skip video every seconds.
Keyboard Controls: Left Arrow (Previous), Right
Arrow (Next), B (Block Channel), A (Autoskip Toggle)